Introduction to styled-components
CSS has been the ugly step-sister of the development world. Many developers say: “I’m a developer, I don’t care how things look!”. Bottom line, since they don’t care about how things look, they don’t care to learn CSS. They should. Developers should learn CSS to know how an application should be styled and provide responsive and accessibility support. One caveat: CSS is hard. It can take years to be proficient.
2015 - Review
2015 was a good year overall. It was a year of regrouping after a tough 2014. During 2014, I worked on a very stressful project, working 70-90 hours per week for 5 months, and burned out (partially difficult client and partially me being a workaholic). I hit rock bottom around Memorial Day 2014 and vowed to never put myself in that situation again. I focused the past 18 months on a work/life balance and doing things I enjoy (learning new technologies and public speaking). The technologies I had the opportunities to work with in 2015 include AngularJS, iOS and Swift, and ReactJS. I hope to continue expanding my knowledge in those technologies and expand in others in 2016.